How Corruption Works

Word count:24345

[Music] let's talk about how corruption works every government on the face of the earth for the last 10,000 years has been dealing with corruption and we still haven't eliminated it yet there's still a lot of it left so you have to wonder why is that you would think with 10,000 years of evolution and advancement we would have gotten it all by now and yet we haven't that tells you that there's something deeper to corruption that we don't understand we're not approaching it in the right ways so to approach it in the right way is what we have to do is we have to question it existentially what is it really what are the underlying mechanics we can't just simply dismiss it as though there are some evil bad people over there who are corrupt we have to look at it deeper so the key questions for us now are what is corruption and why does it happen have you ever wondered that like on an existential level why does corruption exist within reality at all why is this so prevalent within governments and other organizations it turns out to be a deep existential problem which we're going to explore here don't think that corruption is only limited to the government there are a lot of partisans simplistic ideas about how corruption works where people get the idea that all will one party is corrupt no it's not that one party is corrupt every single party every single government across eras and centuries and millennia across all the continents on the earth where humans have lived have dealed with corruption so it ain't a problem of a single party that you don't like it's a much broader problem this problem of eliminating corruption is really synonymous with the problem of eliminating evil that's what we're talking about so you can't eliminate corruption unless you understand what evil is which of course I've talked about previously in various episodes which I'll be referencing some of those that are pertinent as we go forward but I have I have multiple episodes about good versus evil and how evil works and what the devil is and all that sort of stuff why is evil so hard to eliminate that's what we'll be discussing today see people misunderstand why corruption happens which ironically then contributes and adds gasoline on top of the fire and only deepens the corruption that's part of the problem but before we get into that a quick reminder here I did just launch on patreon recently a few weeks ago I really appreciate your support and your donations for supporting this channel your contributions go to making improvements to this channel to for example buying better equipment I just yesterday purchased a $5,000 camera it's gonna be a new camera an upgrade from what I have right now so right now what you're seeing is not the new camera this is the old stuff the new stuff I'm still waiting for it to ship and to arrive it'll probably come in the next few weeks and I'll have to experiment and test it out and get it to work and all that that'll take some time but hopefully that will improve the image quality and I'm also probably gonna make improvements to the website in the future maybe improvements to the forum this sort of stuff your funds help with that and open up new possibilities for expanding actualize that org into the future so thanks a lot for that you can click the link down below and become a patron if you find value in this content and that helps me to keep this content free of sponsorships and a bunch of ads and other corrupting influences speaking of which so now let's get back to the topic at hand so corruption notice doesn't just happen in government it also happens in organizations of any stripe it also happens within relationships it happens within spirituality and religion it happens within science and academia it happens with food the food industry it happens within education the education system and industry it happens with sex the whole me - movement what is that about this is about abuses of sexual power basically it's a form of corruption you might say corruption happens in sports corruptions happen corruption happens in the military during more time corruption happens in police departments in families the health care system can be corrupted in fact in America we have one of the most corrupt healthcare systems in the world for a for a developed country compared to many European countries and so on the media can be corrupt businesses can be corrupt the environment can get corrupt or be corrupted judges and attorneys and the entire legal system can be corrupted political parties can be corrupt computer systems and computer files can be corrupt of course as you know even Minds can get corrupt in fact that is the root of all of this corruption all this corruption that we're talking about if it's an external corruption like a corruption at a political party or corruption of the environment or corruption of the military where does it begin it begins here this is what's running the whole show your mind all the human minds combined are running the show even DNA can get corrupted genetic mutations so forth leading to cancer other kinds of illnesses and dysfunctions industries can be corrupt for example Hollywood is getting more and more corrupt it seems with the kind of movies they release they're not really focused on releasing high quality movies they're focused on releasing movies that earn them the most money these popcorn flicks these superhero movies that there's just an end a stream of losing the artistic value sacrificing artistic value for for money and for maximizing sales video games are also getting more and more corrupt as you notice video games have loot boxes in them now nowadays all sorts of paid schemes gambling basically virtual gambling taking place in video games that's what you've seen as a gamer over the last 10 years especially you've seen the corruption of video game industry with microtransactions and all that sort of stuff DLC and various other sneaky tactics that that industry uses and you know there's there's thousands of industries and all of them have corruption in them and you can easily get sucked into this corruption to see because a lot of times this corruption is sneaky it's subtle it's hidden it lurks in the shadows you don't know that you're getting corrupted while you're getting corrupted you might just be entering the industry you might be one of those bright-eyed bushy-tailed you know people who goes to Hollywood and wants to make it in the world of Hollywood and wants to be successful as a director as a producer as an actor or something and then the industry will suck you into the corruption and of course the same thing happens if you go to Washington or to get to your tier local capital and run for government all this there's always these forces of corruption so what is all this about what's really going on here well first let's turn to a definition of what corruption is here are some definitions just from various online dictionaries that I've compiled for you to get you a little bit of a clear sense number one corruption is dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power number two the abuse of entrusted power for personal private gain that's an important one we'll circle back to that one number three a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct so this third one is a more of an abstract notion of corruption which goes beyond political exploitation and human activities number four a process by which something typically a word or expression is changed from its original use or meaning to one that is regarded as erroneous or debased that's an interesting definition this one almost dovetails with our discussion about impermanence see my episode understanding impermanence where I talk about how everything in reality is always changing so that should if you combine these two concepts together that get you a little bit of a kind of a hint or a clue that maybe what's going on is that everything in reality is constantly changing so if you want to fix the meaning of a particular word or an expression if we're talking about linguistic corruption here or you want to fix the meaning of a let's say of a Shakespearean play in literature and you want to say well this particular you know Hamlet means this particular thing but then you know those interpretations change over time that is impermanence that is evolution happening see and then of course who gets to say what is a corruption and what isn't you see that's also a very important point here what people don't understand about corruption generally speaking he said they assume that corruption is some sort of black-and-white affair where there's like some laws written down by God somewhere which says it this is the good stuff over here and this is the bad stuff over here and don't do this stuff because this is corruption but this stuff here is not corruption but of course this is not how reality works in reality the concept of corruption itself is completely relativistic so what's corrupt from my point of view may not be corrupt from your point of view who's to say which interpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet is the correct one who's to say what meaning for a particular word is the correct usage and meaning of that word of course the English language has evolved and changed so much over the last 500 years you go back try to read Shakespeare's Hamlet you can barely read it even though it's written in English you can barely read it because the words and the meanings have become so corrupt but who's to say whether they were corrupted or they were actually improved you see maybe if Shakespeare was brought back to life and he had to converse with us in our 21st century English he would say you've corrupted my beautiful language that might be his perspective but of course who's to say who's right so this gets us into relativity for more on Dada go check out my two-part series part 1 understanding relativity or understanding relativism I think I called it and actually part two I still haven't released yet I'll be releasing that one in the future so that explores that in more detail definition number five impairment of moral principle virtue or values and the finished number six decay and decomposition which goes more into impermanence so this gets you a bit of an idea what we're talking about but what motivates corruption what is the source of it corruption is selfishness ego or survival all these words I'm going to be using interchangeably in this episode I've talked a lot about them in the past specifically see my two-part series understanding survival part 1 and part 2 where we go into a lot of depth on that another word for corruption is delery I like that word I use it quite a bit I call people Devils sometimes or I speak of devilry and to understand how I use that word I use it in a bit of a nuanced way go watch my episode a really important one of mine called what is the devil where I explained that in more details so you're gonna need that idea of the devil to understand but I'll be talking about next so that is really what corruption is is devilry which is selfishness which is ego which is survival all that corrupt people are really doing is they're surviving they're finding ways to survive at any cost by any means and that is how survival works its relentless it doesn't care about the collateral damage it has one objective which is to survive the thing that you are identified with being that's it whatever that is will determine what you feel you need to do and how corruption looks to you from your point of view taking in to account relativity because everyone has a different identity that are attached to that they're trying to survive therefore there's competing identities that are all trying to survive and so what looks like corruption from one person's point of view does it look like corruption from another's see the trick though here is that corruption is very easy to see in other people but it's very hard to see within yourself just like it's very easy to tell when somebody is being selfish but it's much harder to see when you're being selfish it's easy for example to see when someone's being deluded or deceiving themselves but it's really hard to tell when you are deluded and when you are deceiving yourself that's really the problem that we're dealing with here and this brings us to our most important inside of this whole episode the crucial insight is that you are corrupt corruption is not some boogeyman out there corruption isn't some smog cloud hanging over Washington DC you are corrupt you are the source of corruption and that is a very counterintuitive and unpalatable truth because you think you're an angel you think you're a hero and what I'm telling you is I'm telling you that you're the devil so do you want to accept that of course if you're corrupt you won't want to accept that and you're gonna deny it see the problem with corruption is that people think that they are gonna fix corruption you think that you are the solution to corruption your ego thinks that your ego thinks that if hey if things are just done my way if I get everything that I want if reality is rearranged to suit me that will fix all of corruption tada solution easy right just make everything the way that I want it but of course that very way of thinking is the thing that creates the corruption because when everybody behaves that way then the ends justify the means and then they use all sorts of devilish means to accomplish what they think is the best solution and corruption ensues you can't fix corruption until you deeply acknowledge to yourself that you are its chief cause and you stop blaming others for it that's the crucial mistake and in politics this gets weaponized of course corrupt politicians will weaponize this to try to shift blame on other corrupt people you see they don't want to get you to actually look inwards to reflect on your own corruption they don't want you to reflect about our collective corruption as a country if we're Americans or whatever country you're from doesn't matter see instead what a country generally does is the politician will come to power and say ah it's not America that's corrupt it's the rest of the world this is the Middle East that's corrupt it's the it's Asia that's corrupt and so forth now of course they probably are because almost every government is corrupt so calling somebody corrupt isn't really saying much it's the the pot calling the kettle black Issy but what it is is very clever distraction it's a red herring to get you to not look at our own corruption really what we should be looking at as a nation as Americans or whatever country you're from you should be looking at the corruption within your own nation first and foremost what is your nation doing to contribute to corruption and what are you doing as an individual to contribute to the corruption of your nation that's the critical question and of course this question never gets asked in the media or in political analysis that almost never gets asked so repeat after me I am a shameless corrupt devil take your finger and point it to yourself to your chest and repeat after me I am a shameless corrupt devil and I am the source of all the world's evil and point to yourself as you're doing this are you doing this are you saying this make sure you say this because I wanted to register in you and if you're noticing a resistance like ah but I don't want to say it Leo this isn't right there you go that's your corruption coming up see this is the first step in overcoming corruption is admitting it it's just like Alcoholics Anonymous you got to admit you're an alcoholic you got to admit that you're the devil then we can move forward beyond that and consider other solutions the problem is that this first step is never taken by almost anybody if you identify with being an American or whatever country you're from you also have to admit and take responsibility for the collective corruption of your society and your country and of course you can go even one level higher and you can take responsibility for the corruption of the entire human species as well because there's there's plenty of corrupt stuff that humans do as a species independent of national borders but you know like we have we have to be honest with ourselves as Americans that hey you know we are very corrupt in terms of the way that we use our military around the world to serve our business interests see and you benefit from that as an American you get lower gas prices and you maybe get a better job and you maybe get some tax breaks or whatever else maybe you work for one of these military defense contractors and literally your paycheck depends upon that see otherwise you might not have that job you gotta take responsibility for that if you really care about fixing corruption you see now you understand why fixing corruption is so unpopular really because you think that ah by by starting to fight corruption out there that you know we're gonna defeat the evil ones out there but then what happens is that you go Circle and you realize oh the corruption I thought that was out there actually circles back around in a in a strange loopy sort of way and points right back to me and then it's like oh so to fix the corruption of the world I would have to fix myself oh but that would mean I have to change myself up but I don't want to do that that's the last thing I want to do see this is what's not recognized it's very easy to rant against the corruption of others it's much harder to carefully observe your own corruption and to let it go and to act with integrity that's the real work here both individually and collectively I want you to consider the following possibility that corrupt people are not actually evil in the way that they're portrayed in the media you know sometimes we see some corrupt politician get caught or some corrupt businessman get caught and then he maybe even gets dragged out of his office in handcuffs and then on the you know on the evening news it says oh they caught some corrupt politician engaged some sort of bribery scheme you know they caught him red-handed and the handcuffed him they dragged him to coordinates and then everybody looks at that and they sort of applaud and they said good that that that guy is evil you know they talk about him as though he's the evil one as though he's somehow some exception he's not the exception he's an ordinary person he's just like you that's what is not acknowledged and recognized corrupt people are not really evil they're totally ordinary people put into situations of power and temptation and backed into a corner as far as their survival goes all they're doing is they're just surviving that's all they're doing they're finding clever ways to survive and then of course when you really attach a survival it's easy to find manipulative opportunistic parasitic ways of surviving and that's what that politician was doing he was being a parasite on the system for his own selfish gain why because he has desires temptations he wants sex he wants money he wants to send his kids to college so of course he takes the bribe of course you would - most likely only if you're very careful and very conscious will you be able to resist that trap that temptation but see what a lot of ordinary people underestimate is how much this problem gets magnified and amplified when you become much more successful and powerful and famous than you are right now most people are so far away from being super famous super powerful or super successful that never in their life do they even face those kind of temptations and that kind of power and responsibility that comes with being in in a position of leadership towards the top of the hierarchy see so you might be thinking but below I I would never take a bribe I would never be involved in some sort of sex scandal in the White House or whatever I would never do these sorts of things I'm just an ordinary person I live a comfortable kind of easy life and I'm not all obsessed by these ambitions and so forth but we have to understand is that for you to climb to the top of that hierarchy to get to where some of these really famous successful powerful people get to you got you're gonna have to have a lot of a lot of ambition to get there you see and by the time you get there and you put in all the work and all the time and all the energy to climb up there and then you're there and people look up to you people adore you people shower you with praise and and people blow smoke up your ass and people kiss your ass and now you're powerful and you can control the lives of people you can make or break people you can sexually exploit people you can make or break their careers you determine who gets rich and who gets poor this sort of stuff you can throw your fame around and your fame leads to more accent to more money in all this this becomes extremely tempting see much more tempting than you realize as an ordinary little person if you haven't really pursued success seriously and this I think most people underestimate so even when you might start out life let's say at the bottom of the hierarchy you're not very wealthy you're not very famous you're not very successful but then you work your climb your way to the top and you tell yourself well I will never betray my my values for money or for sex or for opportunities or for success or for anything like that but you get sucked into it slowly it seeps into your mind slowly and as you become more and more successful the fruits of your success they start to affect you they start to make you complacent they start to make you entitled they start to make you feel like you deserve it they start to make you have delusions of grandeur where you start to tell yourself a mythos of how you did it all by yourself you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps this sort of stuff see and this becomes very dangerous and you know we know many many a celebrity in the news have destroyed their own lives with drugs and sex and food and various schemes and various kinds of lawlessness because you know once hear some actor in Hollywood who everybody adores and everybody loves and everyone wants to have sex with and who has 50 million dollars and you know all this sort of stuff like nobody bosses you around see you have enormous power now if you want you can bully your employees people who work for you your personal assistants you can throw telephones at them if you get angry you know you can throw beer bottles at them whatever else you can sexually abuse them yeah and see most people are not taught how to deal and cope with this kind of level of responsibility in this kind of level of power power magnifies corruption and ego by a hundredfold and whatever a little character defects or shadow issues you have now as an ordinary little person when you become successful and powerful and famous I'm telling you all those will get magnified you know four little cracks into a Grand Canyon sized flaws and you can really destroy yourself if you don't pay attention to those and you can take down others close to you your family and so forth as you become more successful and powerful and famous there's much more opportunity to exploit and to be manipulative there's much more opportunity to be a bully it becomes much easier to access sex drugs food gifts favors deals and to skirt the law in various ways and to think that you won't get caught because white-collar crime isn't regulated and prosecuted nearly as seriously as on a more more traditional classical physical crime even though often is it's much more dangerous and much more harmful because it can affect millions of people not just one person and especially once you get on a roll of success you know you start getting book deals and then tours and then people know you more and your business is growing and growing you're getting more clients and then those clients lead to more clients and it just becomes this sort of snowball of success you might think well Leo this is awesome be careful be careful it's very easy to get lost in that success and then just to just want to like one-up it every time every year you wanna be more and more successful and then in that drive more endless infinite success you end up becoming very corrupt materialism corrupts you and then you don't even care about spirituality more because in your mind it's like well Leo I don't why should I meditate why should I do yoga why should I maintain my practices why should I spend all this time reading and practicing and doing all this stuff when I could just like earn more money and then get everything I want with the money that's a very tempting trap to fall into but it doesn't actually work that way it could lead to very disastrous consequences see the trick here is that the ego never sees its own survival as corruption see we're playing a game here of perceptual illusions the mind is tricking itself in order to gain survival advantage to do that it's not that the mind is tricking others first and foremost the mind has to trick itself into feeling righteous about its survival agenda and so your mind literally twists and contorts and distorts your perception such that what you see and how you think about reality itself the actual structure of reality gets warped and distorted by your survival agenda such that you can be highly corrupt but not consider yourself to be corrupt you can think of yourself as the good guy the hero the angel while you're being a devil because from the egos point of view from the point of view of survival corruption is what others do by definition you see that's how the ego distorts the notion of corruption it's like you become so successful and powerful and famous that you start to think that you're above the law you start to think you're above being bad you sort of think that you're above needing to worry about how you hurt people or the collateral damage that you caused because there's no consequences because you're so [ __ ] powerful that nobody tells you anything they can't because you have so much power over them see and that in your mind just validates the fact that hey I'm perfect I'm an angel I'm doing good for the world and corruption is just something that other people do I could never do corruption I'm always doing good but of course that's how every corrupt person thinks corruption is always excused and justified in the mind it's amazing how powerful the mind is at excusing and justifying all sorts of devilry it's amazing that very process itself is the very heart of what devilry is devilry is not just you going stealing candy from a baby that that sort of you know brute force example first and foremost devilry is how you justify it to yourself how you excuse that activity to yourself because you would never be able to get away with that activity in your own mind unless first you did some very sneaky self-deception and of course for a self-deception to be effective it has to be deceptive which means that you have to not notice it it has to go under the radar of your own awareness which means it has to be unconscious which means that you don't know you're doing it which means that you're very likely to deny that you're doing it because from your point of view you can't see that you're doing it you can't connect all the dots and to see how the actions and thoughts and emotions that you're feeling and all this stuff you're doing the words you're saying how all of this is all the manipulations are doing how all that is adding up to creating the corruption in the world you haven't connected those dots why not because why would you if all you can is your survival see it doesn't benefit your survival to connect all these dots which is of course why actualize that org doesn't benefit your survival all that actualize already is all these videos are are me just connecting dots for you that's all we're doing here we're connecting dots what can I join dots to create these big pictures of reality and this is very threatening to your ego and to your way of life so you might wonder how is this practical well it's not practical from your point of view it has a higher transcendent practicality of practicality beyond practicality the practicality of escaping needing everything to be practical there's something beyond that in fact you're lost in your own practicality the problem is that is not that you're impractical the problems that you're too practical that's your real problem of course you also have problems with being practical so in truth you have problems on on all sides you have many problems not just one problem see the mind never sees a problem with its own self-preservation unless the mind is very conscious unless the mind is connected a lot of dots unless the mind is is doing a self actualization work then it can start to catch on but even that is this still tricky it's still tricky you know I talk about all this stuff as if I'm a master of it but I have my own corruptions that I deal with every day it's tricky I'm susceptible to self-deception just because I talk about self-deception doesn't mean I'm immune to self-deception people commonly my critics commonly misunderstand me here and I've said this in my self-deception series I said very importantly towards the end that I am absolutely not above self-deception and neither are you and that in fact is the whole point of talking about self-deception is to realize that you're not above it nor will you ever be not even after you awaken and it's that vigilance and that humility of recognizing that this is a trap I could always fall into that keeps you out of it but again there's no guarantees you're doing the best you can but there's no guarantees so see this whole corruption issue is a really a problem of relativity in perspective it's very hard to see outside of one's own worldview to assess one's own worldview objectively it requires awareness of self bias which I talked about in my series on self bias go check that out very important topic most people are totally clueless about self bias so therefore they can't evaluate their own world views and beliefs objectively and this gets them into a lot of trouble and ultimately creates corruption see because see the problem is is if I'm corrupt I have to be objective enough with my own self to admit to myself that I am corrupt and then I'm somehow doing something wrong and that I need to change but to admit that I am wrong in some way or that I've hurt somebody this is painful it's painful to admit that because I have a positive self-image that I need to uphold I have this self image of being a hero or be a good guy or being a noble guy being an angel not being a devil whatever so whenever a devilry is pointed out to me it stings it hurts you don't want to know that you're a devil you don't want your mom or your spouse coming to you and pointing out to you how you've been a devil because then you feel bad you feel guilty you feel like you need to change you feel demonized you feel people are attacking you you feel you're not being loved you're feeling I think appreciated which is what you want the most in life all you want in life is love so when I call you a devil you feel attacked see you want me to call you an angel see but being an angel has to be earned you can't just call yourself an angel it can't be a name only you actually have to be an angel how do you actually become an angel well that's what all of actual eyes are always telling you how to do it's hard you might wonder why aren't there more angels in the world why are there so many devils so many more Devils than angels well when you get deep into this work we're doing you'll realize Oh goddamn this work is so brutal it's so [ __ ] brutal it's so hard it's so emotionally taxing I feel alone I feel frustrated I feel disgusted with myself I feel insecure I don't know which way to go I don't know where I'm gonna go I don't know where that's gonna leave me I feel like I'm losing my mind I feel like I'm going insane I feel like I'm losing my grip on reality yes this these are all the costs of becoming an angel that is the purification process see the the devilry is being burned out of you by the light of consciousness by the light of God and of course you don't like that the devil doesn't like that it's like pouring salt on a snail so in order to avoid corruption you need to have enough awareness of your own worldview to see how your worldview and your survival needs are distorting your perception of reality I have an old episode called something like um being needs versus survival needs where I talk I talk about that I'm not sure what I titled that episode I think that's in the subtitle being needs were surrounding something like that where I go into more depth on that distinction between survival needs and being needs see corrupt people aren't conscious of their corruption that's what is not understood very well their mind tricks them into believing that their corruption is actually okay it hides the corruption through a whole series of mental gymnastics and manipulations of its own self through self-deception make sure you go watch those three episodes on self-deception those are I think three of the most important episodes I've ever released if you really want to figure out what's going on in life and why human beings behave the way they behave and why you behave the way you behave it's all explained by self-deception so the critical element here about corruption to corruption is the level of one's consciousness I've also talked about this in the past levels of consciousness our goal here is to raise your consciousness and so when you're at a low level of consciousness that basically guarantees corruption because low conscious minds do not see a problem with selfishness self bias manipulation lying cheating moralizing demonizing others partisanship they don't see a problem with this well either or not because a low consciousness mind isn't conscious enough to spot its own projections denials self biases and self-deceptions it doesn't think that it's self deceived that's one of the key characteristics of a low consciousness mind just to admit that you're thoroughly self deceived and that your entire perception of reality is distorted by your own mind just to admit that already takes an individual with a relatively high level of consciousness and sophisticated cognitive development don't underestimate this don't don't take this for granted I would say at least 60% of the entire population of humans on earth right now in the 21st century are not at a level of consciousness and development cognitive development where they can spot their own self deceptions and this is the ultimate root cause of a lot of the problems that we have politically but also individually and all the corruption you see around us the average person is easily corrupted by money power sex and fame actually one of the things that saves us from this is that the average person never gets very far in terms of money power sex and fame and that's actually a good thing because when you get a lot of money power sex and fame but you don't have a foundation of self-actualization and consciousness work on which to in which to ground it you're gonna you're gonna do all sorts of evil things it requires self actualization work to resist the temptations of money power sex and fame it takes a person of exceptional integrity character values consciousness and moral development to be able to do this which is why it's so rarely done and here's another really profound insight for you corruption gets baked into our culture it's not that an individual is corrupt per se that's just the tip of the iceberg we're talking about something much much much deeper here corruption is baked into the culture which includes entertainment media the news art religion government business the norms of your culture the education system of your culture the military even science as it's done by your culture the medical system see the corruption gets institutionalized in the form of ideology in the form of ideas norms theories concept is it's a conceptual framework really created by the mind whatever industry we're talking about whether it's the military or science or academia or entertainment or Hollywood or whatever some religion there's always an ideology that comes with that system that's maintaining that system like the legal system has a certain ideology to it certain things that they believe are right and wrong true and false delusional and not delusional see but where did these ideas come from well they came for past generations and where do those come from well from other past generations and so it goes back thousands of years basically but this this culture is constantly evolving it's never staying the same cultural norms and ideas of what's right and what's wrong was corrupt what's not corrupt is always changing and who as a whole we're not staying still we're also evolving in our consciousness both individually and collectively see so uprooting corruption it begins with you individually personally and we're gonna talk more about how to how to let go of your own personal corruptions it begins there but it doesn't just end there corruption is also a collective cultural phenomenon and so the problem here is that the reason most people are so corrupt is because most people are conformist in their thinking this is spradlin AMEX tej blue but even staged orange is still very conformist and even staged Green is still very conformist in the way that it thinks in the way that it adopts its ideology and belief systems about reality and so when your conformist what happens is that you're born into this world and you just accept the prevailing paradigms of your culture the norms of your culture you accept them as absolute you accept them as the way things should be done the best way that things could be done with no alternatives you don't question them existentially you don't question things from scratch you don't question your society you don't question why things are done a certain way you just follow the rules and of course society forces you to conform as a child with punishments and rewards in school they give you punishments and rewards so you were basically trained to be a nice lap dog in school and your parents train you to be a lap dog and to just accept all sorts of things including science they trained you to accept the dogmas of science not because they're true but simply through conformity and all so you should be careful here to make a distinction between truth and conformity in the sense that just because something is true does not save you from the problem of conforming to it so you might say all leo but you know something like the earth is round that's actually true how do I know it yes through conformity of course because I just believe what my teachers told me but it's not a problem because it's true no the problem is not in whether it's true or not the problem lies in the fact that you're conforming just for the sake of conforming you see the problems that you didn't derive the truth for yourself that's what really matters here so we're not really interested in what's true or not we're interested in how you got there and if you got there through conformity that's a problem it's your process which is corrupt we're interested in the meta dynamics here of how your mind works we're interested in the process of it and the process you're doing epistemology you're using is very very corrupt and very very naive and takes so much for granted so when 90% over 90% of the world's population is simply learning through conformity and then entering all these different industries and sectors of society like art media entertainment news culture education military signs all this they're entering into it and then they're reinforcing that system that system brainwashed these people and then these people become what they've become the next generation of those who support the system so some university professor first he spends 30 years being brainwashed by the university system in the school system which feeds the university system and then after 30 years of that then he becomes a professor and he continues to do the very same thing and of course he doesn't recognize that he's doing it and so in this way conformist people like sheep they become vectors for corruption corruption here is like a virus infects your mind see if you want to inoculate your mind against corruption then you have to start to think independently for yourself from scratch question things existentially don't take anything for granted don't believe anyone including me and then most people because they just assume that the the cultural programming they get is is good and in fact often it's the greatest in the world you know Americans are the greatest or the Japanese are the greatest or the Indians are the greatest this is national and basically once your program with that you become so loyal to your cultures against Bielema sage blue is really good at this loyalty to one's culture that then what happens in it then then they go into denial mode about the corruption of the culture because when your wing first you make a loyalty oath to your culture and you're gonna support your culture and defend your culture at all costs see now it's about defending your culture something you're attached to something you're identifying with rather than the truth because what happens when your culture is corrupt and the truth conflicts with that what happens is this type of person going to admit that the culture is corrupt of course not because his loyalty is to the culture not to the truth he's not being objective he's being self biased here and so of course he's gonna deny the corruption and in fact he's gonna blame you he's gonna blame the truth for being falsehood he's gonna call what's true false and he's gonna call you as the person who shows it to him as a devil when in fact it's he who's being a devil by being attached to his culture see it's not just religious fanatics that do this I'm talking about you I'm talking about your family I'm talking about your friends I'm talking about your colleagues your co-workers everybody you know is doing this including you unless you've done a lot a lot of work to escape it and even then it's it's very hard to escape it's like escaping a black hole it's got your real deep you've been brainwashed since you were aged zero all right so keep that in mind and I'll just give you one example here with science it might sound here like I'm talking about some religious fundamentalists or some sort of cult by the way check out my two-part series on cult psychology where I do talk about a lot of this kind of stuff and also check out my my episode on how ideology works where I talk a lot about this kind of stuff but back to the point you know people think that oh this is this is only fundamentalist religious people that leo is ranting against no science science is guilty of this modern science is deeply corrupt but the scientists and academics who are part of this system are in denial about the corruption and when you tell them hey your institution is deeply corrupt they say what are you talking about where's the corruption there's no corruption you're crazy because they never questioned the system that raised them that created them they're a part of that system their survival is hinged to that system you think some university professor who has devoted 40 50 years of his life working his ass off taking on hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loans that he's probably gonna be paying off until he retires you think he's gonna admit that the system that he's hitched himself to is corrupt not a chance not a chance he might admit it on the surface but he's never gonna admit the deep corruption of the whole system see and actually to admit corruption on the surface is a clever ploy the devil plays its part of the corruption see there's there's layers to this deception so one of the ways that you can avoid admitting your own corruption and you can say oh yeah yeah okay yeah oh I know I know we're corrupt I know science isn't perfectly of course scientists make mistakes some academics are bad sometimes sure of course some academics even make up you know studies and they make up their results you know yeah there are some rotten apples in the in the batch but leo you know yeah we'll get rid of those rotten apples you know science corrects itself and blah blah blah this whole spiel this this this is the ideology I'm talking about this is the corruption this is a dis disguise for the deeper fundamental metaphysical corruption the paradigmatic corruption which infects science and academia which I can't go into here it's a very deep topic I've touched on in the past and I'll have separate episodes that go deep on that that's that's a very deep issue but the problem is is that every time I bring this up any time I bring up the corruptions of science I'm always accused of being anti science of course that's precisely how corruption maintains itself the whistleblower or the reformer the one who's pointing out the devilry will be the one who himself gets called the devil because the devil that is being pointed out needs to project the devilry back out you see in order to deny as devilry which of course is survival so the the funny irony is that those people who accuse me of being anti science are actually just projecting projecting that on me see I'm I'm very Pro science I want to remove all the corruptions of science so that science can be in its full glorious form right now what we call science in the 21st century this is really barbarism this is like the equivalent of bloodletting with leeches that used to exist existent in the medical field you know a thousand years to come in the medieval times so you know this is our science is extremely crude in its understanding and thinking about reality and so one of my missions is to help to correct out about science but of course I understand this is it this is a very tricky mission because see scientists are such a clever [ __ ] Bunch as soon as you start to question various metaphysical and epistemic foundations of science they get all clever on you and they start to play the skeptic and they start to say all about where's your proof and where's this and where's that were your studies were your double-blind placebo-controlled and all this [ __ ] you know again all that [ __ ] they were programmed with what they were learning what science was that is the corruption that needs to be cured that which has never been questioned it's the very epistemic foundations of science that were never questioned and always taken for granted by the scientists that's what needs to be questioned but when it's questioned of course because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy effect because they're stuck in that paradigm either they have to admit that their paradigm is wrong or they have to attack me so of course they're going to attack the messenger and this is this is a this is a classic problem with corruption not of course just science let's broaden this out now to include all the different domains of life it's well known throughout history especially in politics and in government that people who call out corruption get demonized and often killed why is that you would think if you were thinking about this naively you would say well but but if for example if some American in the military let's say a soldier who is you know responsible for some war that America is gonna wait overseas in the Middle East if this soldier comes forward because he sees some corruption in the military in his squad and he sees that people there that they're raping and abusing others and maybe that they're killing prisoners they shouldn't be killing that they're doing torture and whatever other despicable and illegal things if he comes forward and reveals that you would think like well the military would love him for that he should get rewarded for that because he's helping the military to improve itself by pointing out the bad parts of it but of course what actually happens exactly the opposite the military hates him for that he's considered a traitor he's demonized he's tarred and feathered he's court-martialed he's put on trial he's put in jail maybe he's been killed you know today in today's age we don't kill that many people through the legal system but but you know in old times 500 years ago for that kind of thing you just be shot in the head or even worse not only would you be giving a quick death you would actually be tortured for that you know the Spanish Inquisition what was that about that was about rooting out heretics those those so-called heretics what were they they weren't just bad-mouthing religion because they hated Christianity no oftentimes they were reformers they were people who were pointing out hey you know this part of your churches you guys are taking money that you shouldn't be taking and oftentimes the people who were called heretics were actually Christians it's not like there were some evil atheists they were often more Christian than the ones who they were criticizing and the ones who were calling them heretics in fact that is the whole point of the Inquisition see the Inquisition presents itself as though it's rooting out the corruption in the Catholic Church that's from the inquisitors point of view the point of view of those in power of the church but then the one that that the Inquisition is focused against he could also be a good Christian he could be a better Christian and he could be pointing out the corruptions of those bishops and Cardinals and Pope's and whoever else is in charge he could be saying things like you know like what Martin Luther was saying like you guys are so corrupt you're taking money religion has become all about you know going to church and giving donations and receiving favors and it's like the connection to God and to Christ has been lost by all this materialism and of course for this you know you will easily get tortured for this kind of stuff you know maybe not today but that's how it wasn't past and you find this all across the board this is just a problem with the Catholic Church this is a problem and of course the Catholic Church has this problem even today for example with the the pedophilia problem that they have they're notorious at hiding it you would think like why wouldn't the higher-ups in the Catholic Church want to shine light on the problem and expose all the you know all the corrupt pedophile priests and preachers in the church because this would be good this would be a cleansing of the church then the Catholic Church maybe could regain his good name but of course that's precisely what they don't want because they would then have to accept that this beautiful church that they have identified with that they think is all good and they think it is some divine you know vehicle for God amongst mortals they will have to admit that this was actually a tool of the devil how are you gonna admit imagine imagine that you grew up since a little child your whole life you've been taught about the importance of Christ and spreading Christ's word and doing good thing and doing good works and being loving like Christ and doing all of this and that you're part of this institution the Catholic Church which is which is so good and it's doing such good things around the world and you know it's got billions of people and all this and imagine spending 30 years in that ideology and then having to admit that actually what that leads to is some serious devilry that would be enormous ly emotionally painful for you it would not be part of your survival agenda to admit that you see and if you don't understand all these complicated and sneaky dynamics that I'm talking about because you know the Catholic Church doesn't really teach you how your mind works in fact they just brainwash you some more and and so what how are you gonna figure this out you're completely lost inside your own mind you're so identified with the church you're gonna want to defend that church and in this way the devil co-opts all religions but of course not just religions science academia the education system the media the news the entertainment system the government the military business yeah if you are a whistleblower in a business what's gonna happen to you they won't torture you they probably won't kill you at least not nowadays but they will fire you they will make it difficult for you to get a job in the industry that's pretty damn sure whistleblowers and reformers are treated as the enemy from the point of view of those against whom their whistleblowing why because the people that the whistleblowers are whistleblowing against are already corrupt for them to be corrupt means they had to be extremely selfish to begin with which means they had to be extremely softt biased which means their mind had to distort reality which means that now when that highly self bias self deceived distorted mind looks at the whistleblower what it sees in the whistleblower is not somebody who's doing good by reforming the system it sees a devil that is the very projection of the devil who did the corruption on to the angel who's pointing out the devilry see how twisted this gets a corrupt mind will project its own corruption onto those who seek to clean up the corruption so if I stand up and I start to point out all the legitimate limitations and problems with the paradigm of science for example I will be denounced and demonized and attacked by the most reputable scientists of course it must work this way because if they were conscious enough not to do this not to protect I mean they would already be conscious enough to realize those things that I'm trying to point out the reason I need to point them out is precisely because the people I'm pointing them out to can't see it it's a problem can't see it can't see it can't see it that's what the whole awareness in consciousness-raising is all about it's helping you to see things you couldn't have otherwise seen a devil hates it when his devilry is called out by its name because what a devil needs to do in order to be an effective devil is he needs to act like what he's doing is not devilry but that it's good and so he convinces himself and he convinces everyone around them he creates an ideology or collectively we come together as humans we create an ideology that hey what we're doing is good like if you go inside the corporate culture of ExxonMobil what is their attitude towards global warming inside the the the upper management of ExxonMobil they've created over the last 50 years in order to survive as a company because they couldn't exist unless they did this they had to create an ideology a collective corporate culture had to be created specifically tailored to the needs of ExxonMobil which explains away the greenhouse gas emissions and the pollution all this and the oil spills and how this is destroying it explains all that away as ah well there's they have a whole list of of explanations these have been so ingrained or so absorbed let's say it's better word these this ideology has been so absorbed by the people who work in that organization that it's not even recognized by them it's not that they sit sat down one day you know some evil CEO sat down and he said okay here's a bullet pointed a list of all the things that we're gonna say in order to to trick ourselves into believing that that we're not hurting the environment and other human beings he never sat down and said that his mind did it for him automatically this is just what it means to be a human this is what it means to survive if your mind didn't do this you'd be dead a long time ago all right so you're really good at doing this you're so good at doing this you don't know you're doing it such that the CEO of ExxonMobil could be sitting here listening to this episode right now I could be speaking directly to you and I could be explaining all of this and you could be sitting there nodding your head and agreeing with all of it you can say yes yes yes Leo I want a reform Society there's so much corruption in the world all this but you will still not admit your own corruption and the role that you play you will just skip over that conveniently your mind will just excuse it away even though I could call you out by name your mind will still skip over this part the last five minutes I've been talking you're mine we'll just erase all that and you will just agree with everything else I said and keep doing the devilry you've been doing because that's what you need to do in order to keep working in that company because if you really understood what I'm talking about here and you really understood the role that you play there you'd have to quit how would you feed your kids after that how would you live with yourself see very tricky stuff here's the key insight for you trying to defend against corruption creates corruption this is very counterintuitive and this is one of the cleverest tricks of the devil plays see the devil is all about trickery it's trickery within trickery within trickery see you unravel one trick and you think you're done but actually that trick was wrapped inside of another trick which is wrapped inside of a third trick so you got to do a lot of unravelling to really unravel the whole thing and of course this is this is the illusion of a reality that we're altima to unravel here but let's not get there yet let's start with the simpler stuff so for example trying to protect a religious doctrine a rigorous doctrine let's say you're very Orthodox why are Orthodox people so Orthodox it's under the pretense that they're being Orthodox because they want to protect the purity of that original strain of teaching so if you get us some Orthodox Jew and you ask him why are you so serious and so Orthodox about your Judaism inevitably what he's going to tell you in one way or another is he's gonna give you some sort of story how it all goes back to the original source like Moses or I don't know who he would cite the originator ham or whatever the original source and that his orthodoxy somehow he's good he's gonna he's gonna trace his lineage back to Moses to Abraham to Adam and he whatever and he's gonna say we'll see I'm I'm so Orthodox and so strict with my religious doctrines I follow the rules so religiously I you know I pray exactly how I need to pray I do exactly what the book says I need to do I go and observe all the holidays that I need to observe and all this I'm super Orthodox because I don't want my religion to get corrupted but you see that itself is already the corruption because what you're doing is you're practicing spirituality in a formalized mechanical manner through conformity you didn't actually derive and develop any of these rituals or holidays or prayer techniques you didn't create them where do they come from you blindly accepted them through indoctrination in your upbringing that's the truth of it if you're honest it takes a lot of honesty just to into that what I just said there and so you're highly partial to them and so part of the conformity and the ideology that you have is that your ideology is not an ideology but that is it's actually going back to some deep original truth and that by being strict and mechanical and how you observe these these principles and rituals and so forth following the Ten Commandments and all that that that by doing this you're being somehow spiritual but you're not you're being the opposite spiritual you're being a devil you think you're preventing corruption of your religion by observing these things rigorously no these very things that you're accepting now through conformity all these rituals and in rules and Commandments of worth these are already highly corrupt these have been corrupted by the devil thousands of years ago but see the devil loves nothing more than a conformist mind because what the devil can do then is he can just he can just write a new rule and then justified as being somehow linked to the original chain going back to the source and then he knows that you will just conform to it and you'll just do it mechanically and blindly and there the devil wins so this is the case not in Judaism only but in Islam and Christianity and Buddhism and elsewhere even in yoga like I was arguing with who I already said this story once but this story is pertinent to this this episode even more so I was arguing with with one guy on my forum about Sadhguru stitching's and he was telling me how he's a loyal follower of Sadhguru you know Sadhguru his is his guru the YouTube guru and I mean soccer is great I don't have any problems with him per se but he was telling me about how well well you know Sadhguru system is the perfect system it's never gonna get corrupted because he's so enlightened and he's so conscious and he makes all of his students memorize his teachings and teach them word for word to other students and in this way it ensures that the teachings will stay pure for a thousand years no no this very process is the thing that makes it corrupt it's gonna turn into another religion which is going to turn into all sorts of abuses and and devilry because the key that distinguishes consciousness from devilry is that consciousness is not mechanical consciousness is independent consciousness is its own authority consciousness is not looking to some external authority figure conscious recognizes that the only authority figure is oneself because of course your God here you are the ultimate authority check out my episode how authority works which which really will mind [ __ ] you about about that point there I won't go into it further here so so yeah anytime you're looking for an external authority figure to tell you how to practice your religion you already gone wrong you've already corrupted it same thing with scientists a lot of people who fancy themselves scientifically minded defenders of rationality and so forth they they get very rigorous and strict with their rationality so much so that their mind actually constricts and distorts reality well it doesn't occur to them is that by becoming more rigorous and strict with your science actually your science misses out on too much you see science is like a filter almost like an anti-virus you might say and science wrecks this firewall against false beliefs and false theories and doctrines getting incorporating the science there's a very strong firewall within science but of course you know how that works in practice with your computer when you erect a really strong firewall on your computer it doesn't let you install a lot of good stuff stuff that's important for you to install in fact most antivirus software gives you so many false positives or false negatives whatever they're called is that you spend more time fighting with the the firewall on your virus and on your antivirus then you ever get viruses viruses are rare compared to the problems you get by installing an anti-virus which then doesn't let you install all the software and all the other stuff that is good there's no problem with it that you need to install but it is how you do it see this is the problem with science when you get very rigorous and very rational you get so rashly you forget that rationality is a tiny subset of reality and and this so this is one commonality and interesting commonality between the way religions try to protect against corruption and how science tries to protect against corruption but how in the very act of trying to protect against corruption they actually create the very corruption that they were hoping to avoid and so in this way of course it's completely obvious that sadguru's teachings will be corrupted as of all religions been in science and institutions and all this see because you're not thinking independently it's a game of telephone that you're playing where one generation of people tells another generation of people what to believe and you just believe it but in every subsequent generation you're making a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy a telephone game and every step it gets corrupted a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit until a thousand years pass and then what you have is you have the Spanish Inquisition or you have the you know the pedophile priests of today or you have some government corruption or you have some legal system corruption or whatever corruption cannot be prevented mechanically corruption is mechanical miss mechanical misses lack of consciousness corruption is lack of consciousness if you want to solve corruption that requires consciousness which means you can't follow any simple formula you have to think for yourself Maya is another name for the force that creates corruption Maya is the intelligent deceptive force of nature or what we call the devil what I call the devil ego co-opts universal intelligence for personal gain what you're actually doing as an ego self as a human is that you're tapping into God's infinite intelligence to be able to live your life to do science to do religion to rationalize to think to imagine things you're tapping into infinite intelligence but you're tapping to such a tiny portion of it and you're twisting and distorting it based on your fears and your limited conceptions of reality because your perspective is so limited in myopic you see so little of it that you're actually being very very stupid and unintelligent but you think you're being intelligent of course it's relative you're intelligent relative to an ant but you're very unintelligent relative to universal intelligence relative to God so you're somewhere in the middle they're probably closer to the bottom and mentors at top and so the more conscious you become the more fear you let go the more your sense of self expands the more you tap into universal intelligence and you do so less for personal gain and more for the dissemination of consciousness and love and my claim is is that if you were infinitely intelligent you would only use your intelligence for spreading love and nothing else not for personal gain not for any selfishness but of course most people have no idea what that even means they have no idea what infinite intelligence is for that you'll check out my episode what is intelligence where I explain that so corruption creates more corruption corruption makes corruption easier once an institution has been corrupted that institution that infects very easily other minds so one of the key tricks the devil uses is the trick of corrupting the highest most credible institutions so if the devil can corrupt the institution of science if the devil can corrupt Harvard and Princeton and Yale and MIT that's where what he wants to corrupt if the devil wants to corrupt Christianity and Buddhism that's that's perfect that's the perfect target for for the devil if the devil wants to corrupt holy man a priest perfect perfect because see nobody suspects that a priest would be corrupt nobody suspects that a priest would be bold enough to molest a child nobody suspects that a priest who preaches about the evils of homosexuality would himself be a homosexual or have homosexual desires of course nobody would suspect that the scientist with five Nobel Prizes well I don't think such scientists exist but they're lucky to get one a scientist will even one Nobel Prize and a bunch of other credentials nobody suspects nobody questions that whether they understand reality so that's perfect the devil will spread deception through that scientists through authority figures because they are it can disseminate downwards very easily and it has enormous scale you see you only need to corrupt a few top key officials in the government or in a church or in a spiritual group or in a scientific field to then corrupt millions of people down below because it's the trickle-down effect here it's actually real the trickle-down theory of corruption actually works it's like a virus so you see the devil is not stupid the devil is harnessing universal intelligence for the purpose of spreading corruption of spreading selfishness because the devil needs to create an environment of corruption around himself the devil can't survive in a sterile environment of light and love the devil needs an environment of of selfishness of fear-mongering of anger and bitterness and and low consciousness so he needs to create that environment so not only is he miserable he needs to make everyone around him miserable to do this the rule of thumb is is that those who make a big show of fighting corruption outwardly are actually likely to be very corrupt themselves inwardly their show that they're putting on is a front that's how the devil works the devil creates fronts and facades and masks and all this this is how trickery works so the trap here is fighting corruption outwardly instead you need even much more concern about fighting corruption inwardly this is the difference I've talked about in the past of the the lesser jihad versus the greater jihad the greater jihad is the inner journey towards conquering one's own corruption and egotism the lesser jihad is fighting out there against one's enemies the infidels who you think are corrupt so this is again you know speaking of religions you know Islam has become very corrupt over the last thousand and a half years precisely because it's so conformist in the way that people learn that religion and it's gotten so twisted up that the greater jihad has been replaced by the lesser jihad of fighting infidels in the world somewhere you know fighting Westerners from the Middle Eastern perspective this is not what Islam is about what Islam is about is the inner journey of curing your own devilry that's what Islam is about surrendering literally Islamist means surrender to surrender one's own devilry and look what is turned into for most people exactly the opposite see so I'm not picking on any one institution or group I'm trying to be fair how to try to you know be an equal opportunity offender here offend everybody the scientists and the religious people everybody's offended now and everybody hates me for pointing all this out of course which is why it's rarely pointed out because the people who point it out do it at great consequence of themselves so why should they risk their own neck to point this stuff out and you don't want to hear it see so why should I be telling you all of this against your own will if you aren't interested in identifying and removing your own corruption why should I be more interested in your corruption than you are you see how backwards that is see it's the scientists who should be more worried about the errors of science than I am and yet they're not it's the military people who should be more worried about the evils of what the military is doing then its citizens are but of course they don't it's the politicians who've you should be most worried about corruption but of course there's at least worried about it everything is his opposite everything is upside down in the world of the devil integrity is key for dealing with corruption except there's a problem the devil plays a trick here too there's a very big difference between actual integrity and integrity as a show as a front or as an ideology for example many religious people Christians especially put up the front of having high integrity but actually it's totally just ideology its words it's sweet words when what really matters is your level of consciousness and development it doesn't matter what your ideals are you can have the highest ideals about being the most godly person you can believe in Christ and the teachings of the Buddha or whatever else and none of that matters because what dictates how you actually show up in the world and whether you're gonna be corrupt or not is do you have enough consciousness is your consciousness high enough are you at a certain high level of cognitive and moral development if you're not it doesn't matter what you believe in fact the more you believe that you're doing good the more of a devil you'll become this is why priests and religions become so corrupt because it just becomes a philosophy empty words ideas nice theories about you know turning the other cheek and all that and helping the poor but then in practice do do modern evangelicals help the [ __ ] poor they don't give a [ __ ] about the poor politically speaking because they vote for right-wing conservatives don't give a [ __ ] about the poor who would cut welfare programs like that if there wasn't a popular uprising against it really if the evangelicals weren't corrupt they would be the most liberal and the most Democrat voters and of course do evangelicals want to hear that do they want to admit that of course not they will deny this till the day they die what I just said they will accuse me of being a partisan hack of hating the Republicans of being unfair of being biased they will project all that onto me just to deny what I said there because religion conformist organized religion loves to project that image of purity that is a front to keep them from actually questioning the conformity of their mind and raising their level of cognitive development and really purifying the devil from within themselves see that's that's how the devil operates he cloaks himself in the image of God but it's just an image it's an illusion it ain't the real deal there's a big difference between talking about God and being conscious of what that difference is lost not only on religious people but also on scientific atheistic materialistic people too they both make a dangerous conflation of those to corruption operates on untruth manipulation lack of spiritual connection lack of love lack of perspective righteousness denial projection fear and attachment materialism lower chakra drives for higher power for sex money laziness gluttony cronyism the more you run by your lower chakras and water up your which brings us to another important point which is what is the relationship between Spile dynamics and corruption the lower your stage on the spiral by the way if you don't know what that means spiral dynamics check out my multi-part series on Sparrow the minute the lower your smile stage the more corrupt you are that's the rule of thumb why is this so because these stages correspond to levels of consciousness and moral and cognitive development values development and the higher one goes up these stages the larger one sense of self the lower one is on these stages the lower ones the the more limited and more contracted one sense itself so a person with a very contracted limited sense of self cannot be conscious of their self biases and so of course they're going to be corrupt and they're gonna be very conformist in their thinking they're gonna be very very ideological and this ideology is one of the primary vectors for devilry it's really when you get to tier 2 stages yellow and turquoise that corruption gets eliminated I mean it could still exist in corners and pockets but you really need to get to tier 2 because remember tier 1 it's probably named str1 which is stages blue orange green and yeah those three and some even lower ones that is tier 1 and tier 1 is all about meeting your basic survival needs and tier 2 that shift from green to yellow and above that's when you're going beyond survival needs and you're you're getting to being needs what Maslow Abraham Maslow called being needs and it's only there that you're detached enough from your identity and from your own ideologies and from your own self deceptions and thinking and distorted perspectives of the world and from your own personal needs for love and gratification and money and all that you're detached enough to see your own self and your own worldview objectively and therefore you're able to eradicate your own corruption it's still difficult but you're able to do it or as really in tier 1 you're not able to do it you're too self-involved you're too scared and too worried about your own personal agenda to care about eliminating your own corruption but you will make a show of demonizing other corrupt people you will do that that's a very convenient red herring because every time you're you're judging other politicians on TV for being corrupt that's that's a very good distraction from ever discovering your own corruptions that's the lesser jihad the biggest obstacle for third world so-called third world and underdeveloped countries like in Africa and South America parts of Asia and so forth Russia Eastern Europe their biggest obstacle is corruption those countries could be so much better if only everybody was willing to cooperate and not act like a selfish barbaric animal and manipulate the whole system to their own advantage damn the collateral damage but of course they can't do that precisely because they're so stuck on survival it's a dog-eat-dog world they're in these third-world countries there's limited resources to go around it's a real problem it's not a fake problem in certain countries that I was talking about you know in Africa and elsewhere in South America they literally don't have enough food for the children so of course it's gonna be a dog-eat-dog situation and it's gonna be extremely corrupt because your life depends on it that's my point I'm not saying corruption is some frivolous thing that you can just easily wish away I'm saying that the reason corruption has existed for 10,000 years and will probably consist continue to exist for another 10,000 years at least in human societies is because of how deeply wedded this is to your life we're talking about life and death here and the ideas and ideologies you hold are directly related to your ability to live and to meet your basic needs like food shelter sex love approval companionship friendship all that stuff that a human needs or thinks he needs that's what corruption is serving so in these third-world countries vested interests are resisting development slowing down the process slowing down the process of expanding love and consciousness but they can't stop it entirely because the devil always loses in the long run the devil could only slow down the process so that's what's happening slowly these countries are becoming less and less corrupt but it takes generations for this to be noticeable and of course just because I'm explicitly pointing out third-world countries here I'm not by any means saying that first world countries like America or in Europe are not corrupt we we have plenty of corruption I'll get to that in a minute there's actually I've posted on my blog in the past a corruption index there's websites that actually rank a nonprofit nonpartisan website that will rank the corruption of every single country in the world and they track this over decades they track what is happening it's it's an score from zero to a hundred zero means totally corrupt you could barely live there a hundred means totally pure no corruption at all this includes the court systems the political system the police the military all this so they rank this and you see this map it's a really illuminating map because this corruption index is one of the most important indices to track for a nation's development and growth not the GDP corruption index because this corruption index directly correlates to the collective consciousness of that society what you see is that countries that are below 50 these are not countries you want to live these are very problematic countries with a lot of violence a lot of selfishness it's hard to do spirituality there these countries are extremely dogmatic very conformist they all by to some form of nationalism or some religion these are devil countries you might say of course a lot of countries in the Middle East a lot of countries in Africa are at this level countries in South America and in parts of Asia and Eastern Europe as well and then you have countries that are above 50 those are tend to be clustered in in Europe some of the highest countries are in northern Europe to Scandinavian countries of course America Canada are pretty good Mexico is pretty bad from what I'm just I'm recalling this rememory Japan is pretty good yeah you can go find out on my blog maybe I'll link to it again that's a illuminating map and that that map basically tells you the level of consciousness of of every country in the world and you know one of these I'll surprise you is America is not the top on that list which shows you we have more more work to do this is really what politics is about you know in my series on conscious politics that four part series long as hell this is one of the core pillars of what conscious politics is it's the the raising of the consciousness and the identity of a collective society to redo or to raise the consciousness index or I mean the corruption index to get it closer to a hundred so that there's little corruption in very corrupt countries that are under 50 on this index it's hard to do any self actualization work there it's hard to grow it's hard to start a business because these countries are so corrupt to start a business you already need to pay thousands of dollars in bribes otherwise they won't even let you start a business or they'll extort you you could start a business but then you know some some mafia guy will come to you and you'll say hey that's a mighty fine business you got there looks like you're earning $5,000 a month you know it would be a shame if something happened to your business why don't you pay me two thousand dollars a month and I'll let you keep the other three otherwise I'll holla I know where your mother lives and I got a baseball bat see that's that's how business is conducted in in most of the world actually most of the world is it's amazing because if you grew up in a first world country like America or in Europe you're extremely lucky first of all be grateful for how lucky you are but also you have no idea what it's like to live in a in a third world country um like no idea what it's like to live there to do business there see it's it's not yeah you can travel sure you could travel to Africa you could travel to South America you could be there for a few weeks you know stay in a nice hotel your money is worth a hundred times more than the people who earn the money locally there so you can afford to stay to nice hotel and eat nice restaurants and it still feels very cheap to you and all this and so you you only see the good sides of those countries you don't see like the ghettos you don't see the political corruption you don't see the court system you don't see the police system unless you do and if you do it can be quite a culture shock that's one of the values of travel especially to non touristy places around the world third-world kind underdeveloped countries is that you get to see just how how radically barbaric most of the world still is we're insulated from it here in America to a large extent although of course we have pockets of it here too we have our own ghettos and inner cities and and and stuff so I'm not discounting that but what man like you can get really ugly in in some of these also posted a video on my blog somebody actually linked it on the forum and then I reposted on my blog about Liberia oh man you want to see one of the most corrupt countries in the world Liberia in Africa [ __ ] the [ __ ] that goes on there will make your skin crawl that's like you can't even write that stuff that stuff is more horrific than a horror movie that's real corruption go watch that to really appreciate that and then and then contemplate how if I was a political leader in Liberia how would I help my country to evolve you see how how crippling the the problem of corruption is it's this it's this twisted catch-22 where the people are in such desperate straits they're so desperate to survive they can barely they can barely buy enough food to support their children [Music] they they they don't have time to go to school they don't have time to read books they can't afford a book there's no bookstores they don't have internet they can't watch actualised videos like um they're literally sucking [ __ ] in a in a whorehouse for 12 hours a day just to make ends meet they're sucking [ __ ] that's their reality and now you try to think okay how do I introduce some of these actualized concepts that we talked about how do I introduce that to a mother who works 12 hours in a horse house sucking [ __ ] and then you see how difficult it is and even if even if some some good leader or politician stood up what would happen to him he would be killed instantly selfishness kills selflessness but even though that's true selflessness is still stronger because in the end selflessness is actually immortal whereas selfishness is temporary and permanent see one of the benefits of being God is that you're totally formless it can't be killed you're so selfless it doesn't matter to you if somebody kills you and that's the whole point of spirituality the whole point of spirituality and mysticism and religion ultimately if you want to boil it down to its to its core kernel is that you become so conscious and so selfless that it doesn't matter to you if somebody killed you and this makes you invincible and then from there you can effect real change and if someone kills you like they did with Gandhi or MLK you're okay with it that's real power that's what inspires people to follow you that's what pushes society forward that kind of leadership of course that kind of leadership is very rare it can't be faked this is the most honest of signals you can't fake this kind of leadership you can only do this kind of leadership if you're very very pure and selfless not as an ideal but actually this is very hard to pull off you would need to actualize all the stuff that I talked about and even more to pull this off no community can run without a deep understanding of how corruption works this topic is crucial to any kind of community building I don't care if you're a politician or not it doesn't matter if you're not a politician you might say Oh leo well you're just talking about this for people who want to be politicians or something or big corporate CEOs but I'm never gonna be that so I don't need to know about this you still need to know about this because first of all you're a citizen of your country and you vote and it's important that you be able to recognize what corruption looks like versus what it doesn't people have problems that that's number one number two is that you're still part of various organizations at work and so forth even like for example I'm no politician or anything but just in the last four years that I've been running my forum it's almost been four years since I started actualized the actualized forum it's been a very interesting and educational experience for me because I've had to deal with various community dynamics that I don't usually deal with like organizing community maintaining a community dealing with corrupt people because you know we do get people in there who come in there who are spammers or who want to promote some sort of toxic racist ideology or whatever we're gonna kick them out with but we have to be careful and how we kick them out cuz if we're if we're too aggressive about it then we accidentally you know get some false positives and whatever and we we step on on the toes of members who are not doing anything wrong and then they get upset and all this so it's very tricky it's the problem basically of policing how do you police without being overbearing with your policing that's very difficult to do and society has always dealt with this problem unity has dealt with this problem since the dawn of time and we're dealing with it today you know China's dealing with it right now in Hong Kong they're dealing with the problem of how do we police the stuff in Hong Kong without being too vicious about it but at the same time we can't just let rioters run around you know vandalizing the city without any kind of policing so that's an extremely difficult balance we see the same kind of balance for example in social media there's been a lot of corruption over the last few years with political manipulation and there's kinds of ads on Facebook and on YouTube and elsewhere online you know a lot of proliferation of fake news and all sorts of ideology devilry basically the devil is expanding into the digital domain into the social media domain you know this is this is a ripe new field for the devil the devil has only known about social media for for maybe five or ten years you know he's just catching on he's kind of late to the party the devil has learned how to use Facebook and Instagram and YouTube and all this and so it's still fresh you know the devil is still figuring out how to manipulate all this stuff and so so yeah corruption is always expanding into new fields and you know what we're seeing with these social media companies like Facebook they're also dealing with this issue how do they police Devils without being overbearing with their policing same problem on YouTube you know how do they eliminate the like the terrorist videos and other kinds of bad content and here's kinds of right-wing ideologies and white nationalist stuff and anti anti well I mean I guess just homophobic stuff anti-gay stuff how do they police this without being too draconian about it that's the extremely difficult balance it both sides will criticize YouTube or Facebook or whoever else or China both sides you know they can't win that they're damned if they do and damned if they don't if they over police they're criticized if they under police they criticize that's very difficult to strike that balance and I've felt that in running my forum I've I've experienced that you know sometimes I've over policed sometimes I've under policed and it's very tricky people don't appreciate how that works this is what it means to run a community or a society communities can involve billions of people like in China or they can involve 10 people they could even involve just four people in your family so this topic is extremely important this topic of corruption is extremely important for leaders because almost by definition if you're a leader you're gonna have some sort of at least a little community that you're leading if not a big one and the more of a leader you become the more you're gonna have to deal with these policing issues and with corruption your own corruption but then others peer pressuring you into being corrupt yourself you see the problem is that when you're Trump when you're a high consciousness visionary leader and you're trying to lead others out of their low consciousness and into love and into truth you would think that this would be you know easy but this is the hardest thing because the very people you're trying to lead can't appreciate the pearls that you're giving them and so what ends up happening is that if the leader is too high above the rabble of the mob to lead they they come for him with pitchforks and they kill him see this is this is the ultimate limiting bottleneck of the rate at which a community or society can evolve it can only evolve as fast as the masses the Sheep the conformist sheep which comprised like 80 to 90 percent of the community are willing to accept what the visionary leaders are disseminating down and usually they can't accept too much they can only accept maybe you know 20% above where they are 30% 50% after a leader becomes too conscious and too loving and too good relative to the mass that he's leading they will actually turn on him and kill him or exile him or demonize him in some way basically remove him from power because the things he's proposing to them from their relativistic perspective seem like devilry when actually it's the opposite what they've forgotten is actually oh it's us who are the Devils see which is why the most conscious politicians rarely get elected why is that because the people who elect them themselves are not very conscious and developed it's a it's a catch-22 vicious circle so you need highly conscious and developed citizens to elect a highly conscious leader because only they only a high consciousness and developed mind can appreciate a high another high conscious adult mind but you can't get that high consciousness leader until you have high consciousness people and you can't get high consciousness people until you have high consciousness leaders so we're stuck we're not really stuck it does move but it moves slowly it's got a certain internal molasses kind of like internal resistance to it it flows like molasses and so society evolves like molasses and that explains quite a bit and of course none of this is taught in school and you might wonder why and the answer is because school is corrupt it's part of this whole catch-22 the people who elect the school teachers principals the school boards all that these are composed of ordinary citizens ordinary citizens they're not self actualized enlightened people they're very simple they're conformist they're very traditional so what they do is they elect leaders who are like them the teachers and principals who compose the school curriculum who are they well they're they're the peers of the ones who elected them if ever a principal or a school administrator somehow gets into power who is way ahead of the curve very conscious very enlightened very loving some sort of Jesus like figure you might imagine if he ever gets elected to the school board what will happen is that the changes and reforms that he makes the critiques he makes of the corruption of the school system will be so bitter tasting to the people who elected him that they will unelect him they will kick him out they will demonize him and maybe even in Prior times they would have killed him and of course they would accuse him of corrupting the minds of the children which is exactly what Socrates was accused of and put to trial in to death for corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens see that's classic projection right there another example of classic projection of course is Donald Trump we can't end this episode with thought without talking about him it should be obvious to you I hope that Trump is the most corrupt US president we've ever had this was obvious before he even came into power which was the whole point of opposing his coming into power and not voting for it there was a whole brouhaha about how Hillary Clinton was very corrupt the reality is that the people who judge Hillary Clinton to be very corrupt have no sense of proportion of corruption and these people do understand the dynamics that I'm talking about here they're mostly stage blue stage orange spotted Amex folks so they did again they're just acting out of conformity and ideology and so in that case of the critical the critical piece of insight that was necessary in the 2016 election in the US was that Donald Trump was more corrupt than Hillary Clinton as corrupt as she was and I'm not saying she wasn't corrupt Donald Trump was way more corrupt and is way more corrupt and if this isn't obvious to you then you're not you're not thinking objectively you need to check yourself bias because clearly Trump is far less conscious and more selfish and narcissistic than Hillary Clinton clearly again if you can't see this you ain't you ain't doing the work and so the irony of Trump of course is that while he ran on the whole notion of draining the swamp and railing against the corruption of Hillary Clinton of course that was all projection Trump won the election in a corrupt way and he himself has been thoroughly corrupt his entire life and he runs his whole administration based on corruption and cronyism starting with his family his son-in-law his daughter his sons all that and down to his friends and all the people he appoints corruption now you might say well Leo that's it's it's common for politicians to appoint their friends and so forth to positions yes it's common but what we have now is the worst it's ever been ever been this is just blatant blatant corruption Trump is the king of corruption that's the irony of it because he's he's the king of Devil's sea because he's got such a massive ego the bigger the ego the bigger the devil so in this sense he's the top but of course he doesn't recognize it his supporters don't recognize it because they're there Devil's Due and all of this is totally predictable Trump's devilry was totally predictable and obvious along before he came into into office and of course is totally predictable that all of his associates often get arrested or get embroiled in various scandals and financial misdeeds how many of his administration officials have resigned because of some sort of impropriety 'he's with misusing public funds for airplane travels and excessive vacations and all the sorts of stuff i think ben Carson bought bought himself like a $30,000 uh-hum bookshelf into his office or some [ __ ] on using public money it's like this kind of stuff it was completely obvious that all the people who Trump would be surrounded with in his administration would also be as corrupt as him because uncorrupted people would never work for a corrupt devil the people who are Trump's friends who want to work with him are the most corrupt of the most corrupt because anyone else has already resigned a long time ago I mean this is this is a totally predictable this is textbook stuff textbook stuff you could have predicted this in 2015 because Trump has zero integrity and he has zero moral development he's narcissistic he's opportunistic he's transactional he's materialistic he's pragmatic he checks every box of what you need to be corrupt he can't not be corrupt if that his corruption is so deep that we don't even know the tip of the iceberg we only see the tip of the iceberg of his corruption like I'm it's it's just it's so much worse than you think we will spend the next decade discovering more and more and more of trumps corruption even once he's kicked out of office or whatever just more and more stuff will be coming out and it's just gonna be shocking every single time like people are just gonna be floored at at how much corruption is totally discovered because it can't stay hidden forever the devil plays in the shadows he hides stuff Hugh's deception but deception never holds out forever the truth always prevails in the end so it's a game he can't win it's temporary and if you think what I'm saying here is all partisan hackery you're missing the point this goes way beyond partisanship corruption is not a partisan point and you might wonder we'll leave why are you being so political and so partisan all the time I'm not it's just that you've to understand that consciousness and philosophy has real-world consequences see if I was sitting here in only teaching you about enlightenment and other kinds of self actualized theory and all I taught you was just theory with no real-world consequences then you would accuse me of all Leo this T'Challa all philosophy doesn't matter in the real world but then when I teach you this stuff and I show you how it connects with the real world I connect it with current events I connect it with China I connect it with Hong Kong I connect it with Trump I connect it with with Hillary Clinton all this that we connect at all then when you see the actual consequences of what consciousness and love means then you say oh no no Leo here being a devil and you're being corrupt and you're just you're projecting your own biases why are you being so political all of a sudden you see you want it both ways I get criticized from both sides because consciousness is not neutral when you're conscious you have a low tolerance from [ __ ] and for deception and for lies and when you see a society which is completely entrenched with in entrenched in in self-deception whether it's within science or within religion or within economics with capitalism for example or within the news or within government business media marketing when you see all this devilry around you you want to speak up against it this is what consciousness compels you to do see and spiritual teachers and leaders have done this since the beginning of time Christ Buddha others they've all spoken out against corruption Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation what was that Galileo he spoke out against the corruptions of the Catholic Church what was that gr gr da no Bruno was burned at the stake for for preaching mysticism against the Catholic Church even though he was a Catholic monk you know this is a story that goes back to the beginning of civilization you can go back to ancient Egypt ten thousand years ago and they were executing people for pointing out the corruptions of the Pharaoh or whatever in fact I think to time kamon I think King Tut he died very young they did some like autopsies on his skull and so forth on his body and mummy I think he died when he was still a teenager maybe it was a disease but also I think there's a theory that it could have been that people didn't like his father because he was he was very radical actually he was actually a reformer he he made some significant changes like the reforms that that his father made his father was a Pharaoh Akhenaten was his name and he changed the religion from a polytheistic one he tried to change Egypt to turn it into a monotheistic religion that worshipped the Sun or the Otton there's some theories that maybe he was deeply enlightened or whatever and the the old guard the old Egyptians they didn't like this apparently so they actually once King Tut was killed and kicked out of power their whole family thing was kicked out of power basically in some devilish way and then they erased all of their that the the Otton family's imagery on all the stones as if they erased all of it like all all mention of the Otton Zand king taught were all erased from Egyptian history back then sort about whitewashing because they wanted to go back to the old the old polytheistic system that's what happens when you try to teach someone awakening see it's as old as time so the painful truth that Americans need to understand is that Democrats right now and Republicans are not equally corrupt one party is more corrupt than another and it's pretty clear which one that is if you're following the news and all of this of course will go down in history in the history books so which side of history are you gonna be on are you gonna be the one who equivocates and draws false equivalence between those who are corrupt and those who are trying to uproot the corruption or are you going to participate in clearing up the corruption or are you gonna deepen the corruption by calling me a partisan for pointing out the obvious corruption that is happening right now with the Conservatives and the Republicans and with the Trump see it really is the case that higher stages of the spiral on small dynamics are objectively less corrupt because they're less egotistical and liberals are higher on the spiral than conservatives and this is so unpalatable to conservatives to admit this now of course it's a gross generality there can be individual exceptions to this rule but right now if we're talking about American politics as an example it should be obvious to you that conservatives are objectively less cognitively developed than liberals and if you're conservative I'm sorry you don't want to hear that but it is what it is it's on you to figure that out you got to check yourself biases wise government corruption so common because government is a giant pool of money billions of money billions of dollars of money and also the ability to print billions of dollars of more money so it's a desig ient pool of money that one can leech off of and be a parasite upon but the biggest source of corruption is not what many conservatives think it's not the welfare state it's not poor people it's not immigrants who are abusing the system it's the powerful and the wealthy who are the most corrupt and who abuse and mapley the system the most by definition you need power to manipulate the system some illegal immigrant is not going to manipulate the system it's the big honchos who are manipulating system for billions of dollars and that's what trump is distracting you with while trump is distracting you with illegal illegal immigrants and other things like that gay marriage and whatever else you know conservatives are concerned with the bigger parasites are leeching billions and even trillions from the system these are corporate parasites who leech billions through lobbying deregulation cutting the size of government reducing oversight committees and lack setting laws blacks ending environmental regulations getting favorable cushy government contracts getting subsidies you know military spending pork projects this this is the true corruption everything else is distraction this is what needs to be routed out and as much as third-world countries struggle with corruption right now America is struggling greatly with corruption the reason that Trump got elected in the first place is because of corruption the system is corrupted and the reason is corrupted is because we have so much legalized bribery in America and this is a situation that needs to be corrected you might wonder but Leo doesn't government corruption that you're admitting to here doesn't have me we need a smaller government not a bigger one and the answer is absolutely not government corruption is mostly done by large corporation large players with a lot of power that push around the government if anything they're means to be bigger it needs to be bigger because the entities it governs must be smaller than it if the entity it governs becomes larger than the government then the entity now becomes the government and the government becomes the governed it turns upside down see a big government is important because it needs to be the umbrella which unifies all the other smaller subsets of society and makes them work holistically collectively peacefully together towards a common good and if this umbrella gets too weak and too small then the little individual elements they will break free and they will corrupt it try to take over it do a hostile takeover that's basically what Trump has been doing the government see and that's what a lot of corporations are doing when you have some giant corporation like Facebook or Apple or Microsoft or Google or Amazon which has a net worth of half trillion dollars or something like that these are extremely powerful a corporation like this could actually secretly develop nuclear weapons if it wanted it has enough resources to do that it could it could secretly create an army of its own and take over the government in theory I don't think they're actually doing that but they could if they get too powerful and too ambitious and too greedy see what the problem will be that these organization know if if Amazon creates nuclear weapons and an army and takes over the US government by force you see the problem the problem is is that you have no voting power in Amazon Amazon is effectively a dictatorship or at the very least an oligarchy it's only the people who own the shares the most shares you know unless you have a million stocks of em of Amazon you don't have any any say or control over Amazon and how many people have a million stocks in Amazon probably a handful so they're gonna be the ones who rule everybody else and no one's gonna know what else isn't going to get a vote we've already been there that's that's like the medieval times that we came out of that's what society was like back in the in the time of the Roman Empire with Emperor's and oligarchs controlling everything see and then we evolved to a democracy but now what's happening is that our democracy is devolving back into that old-style oligarchy through the corruption so we need a bigger government but it's not just about a bigger government for a bigger government sake it's also about a better government the quality is actually more important than the size so government needs to be cleaned up and the only people who are gonna be able to clean it up or who are themselves clean so don't be listening to some fool demagogues like Trump who comes along and says that he's gonna drain the [ __ ] swamp he has no interest in draining the swamp he is the [ __ ] swamp monster from the Black Lagoon he's not gonna drain no swamp even if he wanted to drain the swamp he do it he doesn't have the moral cognitive or spiritual level of consciousness necessary to achieve that which is what you see every day on the news how he isn't able to achieve it he just he's digging his own grave slowly see every generation must do its job in fighting corruption this is how society is what it is today no matter where you live in the world if you think you live in a bad country or a bad situation I guarantee you it was ten times worse a thousand years ago and ten times even worse than that two thousand years ago and the reason you live in a relatively decent and stable society today where you can go to the grocery store without getting shanked in the kidneys by some crazy person with a knife the reason that doesn't happen very often where you live is because of all the blood and tears and sweat that were expended to fight corruption in your society society doesn't get this way the way it is today in the 21st century it doesn't get this way automatically we had to grow ourselves we had to literally turn ourselves into a totally different type of human to be able to create and sustain this current society and we're gonna have to keep doing that we're not done the US government like I was saying is very corrupt currently in terms of how much money goes into politics how corporations are influencing and lobbying government with legalized bribery and political contributions and it's your duty as a citizen if you're conscious it isn't to stand up and speak out against this corruption because this corruption is preventing us from being able to elevate the consciousness and love of everyone around us which is the point of life what we need is a constitutional amendment to end money in politics and we need total public financing of Elections it should be illegal for a corporation to contribute money to to a super PAC or to have dark money all of this needs to be publicly funded because this is corrupting the very notion of one-person one-vote right now the people who elect the politicians are not the little people it's not one person one vote it's the people who have billions of dollars who are able to run ads and these ads of course are one of the embodiments one of the epitome of devilry these ads are always self biased and they're never concerned about truth or consciousness or love but purely winning for the sake of winning so towards this end I have something very practical for you which is there's an organization called Wolf Pack it's a it's a nonprofit organization it's a PAC that was started to get money out of politics by passing a constitutional amendment if you live in the United States I recommend you make a donation go - wolf - PAC without a cage just PA see wolf dash and there's a donate button there where you can go and make a donation even something as small as five dollars as helpful today before I started this episode I donated a thousand dollars so here's the receipt you can take a look I'll post it for you on this video I'll post the link to wolf pack calm down below you can click on it make a small contribution I think this is one of the most important causes politically speaking that we can that we can tackle right now it's a non political group this is not designed to help the Democrats or the Republicans we're just interested here with this initiative of passing a constitutional amendment and to ban private money in our elections if you're not an American you're watching from somewhere else well find some other way to participate in the reducing of corruption in your local community or country it doesn't necessarily have to be through this site I'm just putting this website out to you and I'm not really affiliated with them in any way I'm just passionate about what they're promoting and I wanted to give it some some views and some free publicity first of all because this this episode ties in with it so nicely and because it's such a hot topic right now but also because I wanted to show you how the theory that I talked about it's not just theory that's what's different about actualized org from philosophy that you get in some philosophy [ __ ] class you know philosophy 101 in your university in your university class they just talk about old dead philosophers and it's just all it's completely disconnected from reality but here we're connecting at all we're connecting the politics we're connecting your personal growth we're contact connecting enlightenment were all these advanced complex things and then we're connecting in the room we're showing you how it all drills down to just the nitty-gritty of going to a website and donating five dollars and that's how you make change see you need to be able to go up and down this chain of big picture to little minutiae that you need to master this process of going up and down don't get lost in getting stuck into my new show and not seeing the big picture or just being an airy-fairy land talking about big picture ideals and ideas about awakening but then not doing any work on any practices you need both to be successful that's one of the most important things I can teach you is is that so start to connect the dots start to connect the theory with the practice the first step is to admit that you are corrupt so as a homework assignment I want you to start to notice your own corruptions what do I mean by this I mean little things like fudging the numbers on your taxes every year manipulating your spouse to get what you want out of her or him torrenting downloading illegal copyrighted material stealing office supplies exploiting a situation to get sex favoring your crony friends maybe at work you put a recommendation for your friend who maybe isn't quite qualified for the new job that's opened up but you you tell your boss that he's actually really good much better than he is just because you know he's your friend and you want your friend to work next to you and that's cronyism cheating in a video game that's corruption lying is corruption littering is corruption cheating on a test at school that's corruption exaggerating on your resume is corruption trying to get favors from people is corruption cutting corners at work turning in some shoddy work that's corruption laziness greed Envy anger noticed this notice how this leads to corruption within you notice your fear and how that leads to your corruption your entire thinking process is corrupted by fear and by greed by laziness by hatred by judgment thinking you deserve special treatment in certain situations that's corruption lying to get a better deal on something you you're gonna buy that's corruption notice especially when you're craving for things when you have a deep craving for something whether it's food or sex or money or whatever it is how that corrupts you you need to observe this on a micro level just like you did with fear from that fear episode where I told you to observe your micro fears we'll now observe your micro corruptions observe how your worldview is distorted by your survival needs observe the ideologies that you adopt in order to get your way in life to manipulate life and observe the excuses you make and the justifications and rationalizations you make to hand wave it away and to make it seem like it's all okay and it's not corruption all of these little things like I told you they're gonna expand out into a giant chasm when you get more power more money more Fame and you become a leader more responsibility it's especially important that you do what I'm telling you here if you plan on being any kind of leader this is the thing that prevents you from abusing my teachings if you don't do this and you plan on having a life purpose where you go out there and transform the world this whole spiel if you've taken my life purpose course you're gonna be a devil and I don't want to create Devils so start observing this stuff how is corruption solved overall well first and foremost just by the light of awareness remember on my episode where I said awareness alone is curative well awareness is curative as we're seeing Trump behave like a devil in front of the cameras that camera light that's shining on him literally is bringing forth his own devilry and materialism and narcissism and broadcasting to the entire world how ugly that is that's helping people that's helping us to evolve in advance as a society that's necessary so don't think that Trump is a step backwards Trump is a step forwards in the counter intuitive sense that sometimes you've got to see how ugly your behavior is before you can correct it corruption is solved by truth corruption is falsehood and truth does conquer falsehood in the end but in the short term falsehood can went out sometimes lying does work in the short term which is why you do it another way corruption is solved is that it autocorrects over generations it will autocorrect because of this larger theme of life which is that evolution increases consciousness and love that is what evolution is it's the steady increase of conscious and love so corruption will slowly be reduced further and further and further but also as new technological fields open up new corruption will emerge there like we talked about with the kind of social media examples and the devil learning how to use technology bypassing better laws and having a better legal system that's very important to shore up our legal system of course Trump is showing us the importance of having a high quality uncorrupted legal system for keeping his delery in check corruption is stopped by the evolution of culture culture is always evolving new norms are forming new values culture is moving up the spiral as well as the individuals and so that helps to eliminate corruption a better education system is very important that's a very deep topic you'll have a whole separate episode about how to fix our education system and all the corruptions of it corruption is also solved simply by meeting people's basic needs increase the overall wealth and prosperity of the of the society and then people have less need to be corrupt it's very hard to tell people in a in a country like Liberia where they're literally [ __ ] on the streets for lack of public toilets and eating dead bodies for lack of food cannibalism when they have to resort to cannibalism and and whoring and all the sorts of stuff just to make ends meet it's really hard to tell these people to give up their corruption they can't do it their life depends upon it so what we can do those we can elevate the quality of life you know build more houses reduce disease in in third-world countries help them to generate clean power and other things like this help them with education maybe through online new online mediums give them Internet access and this sort of stuff and in this way we can we can reduce corruption and then of course by doing that we can also eliminate terrorism which is nice we can reduce war which is nice we can reduce genocide we can reduce nationalist movements we can reduce rape we can reduce religious indoctrination all that good stuff and corruption is ultimately solved through the moral developmental line and the spiritual development of line as you become more truly spiritual not a name but actually in practice corruption stops so start purifying yourself of your own corrupt tennessee's right now and you can do that by starting to ask the question what are all the ways in which you are corrupt how does corruption hold you back from greatness contemplate that question how does corruption hold you back from actualizing your full vision for your life purpose and practically speaking there's a lot of different techniques I've shared with you that will help you with resolving personal corruption such as plugging holes in your Maslow's hierarchy of needs filling your base fulfilling your basic needs master your career find a way to make money in a healthy way then you're gonna be less desperate clearing out your lower chakras I haven't talked about that much but you can find resources try to do that the letting go technique is great for letting go of various emotions that make you corrupt and various cravings and so forth Kriya yoga meditation of course this all helps self inquiry helps shadow work helps I'll have an episode on that in the future hum what some occult um shamanic breathing check out my episode on shamanic breathing that technique can help you to purge literally you can feel the corruption purging from your body and mind with that technique journaling and introspection contemplation I have many episodes that teach you how to do contemplation psychedelics of course are very helpful facing your fears my two episodes about understanding fear and how fear works that's very helpful opening your heart being more loving is also very helpful and I'll have episodes in the future about how to open your heart and how to be more loving but of course these are personal things you do which are important but also you need to take collective action as well which is why I gave you that example with the Wolf Pack because that would be an example of a collective action see it's not just enough for you to open your heart we also need to pass a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics for example in America the ultimate solution to corruption is consciousness truth love and spirit ego dissolution and transparency transparency is just another word for awareness imagine for example if your life was lived with a hundred percent transparency that means that a camera followed you around everywhere you went no matter what you did 24/7 and this was broadcast on TV all the time that means that everybody in the world knew your schemes they knew what you were doing they knew what you were up to they knew all of your secrets and imagine the camera could even like we even plugged a computer wire into your skull and we could even read your intentions your thoughts and your emotions and how you feel and all of this was broadcast to the entire world so that if you had a corrupt thought if you had a thought like oh you know I want to grab that that woman's tits there's like ooh I want to steal some of that money's like oh I want to whatever you know whatever I want to steal some of that candy from that baby you have these corrupt thoughts or like you have some sort of desire like oh I want to cheat on my wife or whatever you have this but it was immediately broadcast to everybody see what you should realize is that your corruption couldn't be sustained because your and only works in the shadows many of your thoughts and emotions are very toxic and selfish and negative because they're so private to you and there's nobody to hold them in check but you and of course you won't do it because your self biased so the reason I'm telling you all this is that if you're more transparent in your thoughts words and actions that will help a lot if you scheme and you manipulate and you hi your intentions a lot that's gonna that's gonna produce shadows in which corruption can hide remember also not to be too quick to judge the corruptions of others it's very difficult to rid yourself of all corruptions this is a superhuman task this is a godly task this is your life's work so before you judge others first fix yourself worry more on fixing yourself or perhaps contributing to good causes like Wolfpack and also have compassion for corrupt people I noticed this tendency within the media on YouTube and elsewhere you know some video comes out with some latest person who's corrupted and everybody everybody dog piles on that corrupt person and calls them a devil and evil and bla bla bla bla bla but the compassion is missing corrupt people are not really evil they're simply lost in unconsciousness they simply weren't educated properly and they simply don't understand what they're doing they're scared they're scared of death they're scared of spiritual work they're scared of love they're just trying to survive have compassion for that and have compassion for your own corruptions to see because if you judge others harshly for being corrupt you will also have to judge yourself for your own corruptions if you judge yourself too much for your own corruptions you won't even admit your own corruptions and you'll be very corrupt so paradoxically hating corruption doesn't solve corruption it increases corruption because hatred is a low consciousness reaction low consciousness produces low consciousness birds of a feather flock together if you want to eliminate corruption within yourself and others practice love love the corruption to death just like I told you to love the evil to death same thing it's okay to admit that you're selfish it's okay to love yourself even though you're selfish and you struggle to let go of a certain corruption or a certain selfish craving that you have that you know you should be able to let go but you just can't let it go that's fine that's where you're at accept that love yourself for being that way that will help you to overcome it it's not gonna work by making yourself feel guilty and hating yourself and also I have a corruption worksheet for you so click the link down below in the description under the video you'll find this corruption worksheet fill it out that will help you to get a little bit more of a awareness of your own corruption and lastly I'll just remind you to if you want if you're an american go donate to wolf pack calm even if it's just five bucks i'm not affiliated with them i don't get any money from them they don't pay me this is not a sponsorship i'm just putting it out there because when i originally conceived of this idea of an episode about corruption i knew this would be a powerful deep episode and immediately I got the urge to to talk about wolf pack because it's just it's such a practical and reasonable and common-sense way to just tackle the root of a the root of this problem at least with in American politics right now all right that's it I'm done here this is the end please click that like button for me and come check out actualized I don't work there you will find my book list life purpose course my blog where I post a lot of stuff and resources and videos that I share almost on a daily basis you'll find the forum there you'll also find my patreon donation link down below if you want to support my work I'm very grateful for that I'll probably be once I get my new camera I'll probably show it off to you guys and maybe I'll have some exclusive patreon stuff in the future I don't know I'm still trying to figure out what the best way to handle it that the patreon is but I'm definitely gonna be using those funds right now to be making various kinds of improvements and kind of trying to funnel that money back towards value to you and the last thing that I'll say here to wrap up is that actualized org is focused on big picture understanding of reality in life these teachings are rather advanced they're too abstract for many people because many people are still down at Maslow's hierarchy of needs you know down here on the lower half they're still struggling with their basic survival needs I have some older content which was focused on helping you to meet your survival needs today I mostly talk about being neat snot survival needs and I understand that for many of you you're still you're still you're not ready for that you need to spend a good 5 10 years to going really hard on your survival needs mastering those mastering your career and so forth and I will still have content for you going forward but I just want to warn you supplement what you learn from me with other more basic sources that teach you just simple stuff because my interest was never with this with my work to teach very very simple stuff on how to meet your basic survival needs might might my vision was always to go for the biggest picture understanding and really you need both it's not one or the other you need both but I only have so much time and energy in my life and my time is already seriously consumed by by just the big picture topics that I talk about that's it I will have some very practical courses in the future that I'll release I'm working on one right now actually probably should come out in the next six months I'm hoping so that will be useful but it's not to say that might my big picture topics aren't useful they're extremely useful the problem is that they're so abstract for many of you that you don't know how to make use of them so what I recommend is that you supplement my teachings my channel with more basic stuff stuff that just teaches you how to like earn some money how to write a resume how to develop some technical skill how to how to do a job interview so you're hired how to maybe deal with a problem in your relationship this sort of stuff right I in a certain sense like this stuff is too small for me like these are small fish I don't likes my frying small fish I want to fry giant whales so that's what mostly I'm focused on and then once once you do satisfy a lot of the basic stuff once you do fry a bunch of small fish then you'll really be ready to take in the depth of what I'm offering you with the big whales and they all interconnect work beautifully in your life but you know this work we're doing you this is the longest we have the longest time horizon here right like my whole vision for you is that you're gonna be following this content for 10 years for 20 years for your whole life you're gonna be following this content don't get this idea that all I'm gonna watch Leo for a year to fix all my whole life and then just go about my life and and like no there you're you're gonna have 20 years of of learnings here at least 20 years of learnings don't think you're above any of this you're just getting started even if you've done a few psychedelics you're just getting started even if you've earned a little bit money you're just getting started even if you've had an awakening or - you're just getting started I can't stress that enough so really be patient with this appreciate how important these conversations are that we're having this is laying the foundation the theoretical foundation for the rest of your life this is not a waste of time this is not you just watching some YouTube videos the way it might seem there's a difference between different kinds of videos some videos waste your time some videos might help you a little bit here and there but don't solve anything fundamentally and some videos will change the entire trajectory of your life but it's those that will that require a long time horizon because we can't change the entire trajectory of your life with one video in one week or in one month or even in one year it it's cumulative effects that stack together so if you really want to extract the full value of what I'm offering to you here then plan for the long term take notes be patient don't expect immediate results right now you might have watched this episode you might think well Leo how does this corruption topic help me it doesn't help me in my practical life one day will come where it will help you you may not be there yet but just because you have this in the back of your mind is already gonna be enough that one day maybe five years from now that you do get to that day where it could make or break you you're gonna have that in the back of your mind that memory of like oh yeah Leo's was mumbling on and on about corruption he was talking to how important it's gonna be one day and here it is this is the day and sure enough it makes a lot of difference and then also to underestimate the critical mass of understanding that's gonna be built here by watching this stuff yeah you watched 10 videos okay that's nice 20 videos okay you connect some dots that makes a little bit more sense but when you watch 300 videos when you connect them all together when you contemplate them we need to practice all this gels together you're reading books and this your whatever you're doing retreats all of its gonna come together at some point you're gonna reach this critical mass like I have or it's the most remarkable thing and this is really the whole point of all my teachings is to get you to reach a critical mass of understanding we're literally you can walk down the street and it feels like you understand all of life you understand why every leaf and blade of grass is doing whatever it's doing why every car is zooming by why every bird is flying overhead why all this stuff is happening why politics is the way it is why religion is the way it is why science is the way it is why humans behave how they do all of it will be transparent to you and that's that's really what Jazz's me up that's what makes me most passion about this work that's to me that's what I'm for I'm for understanding infinite understanding I want to show you infinite understanding I want to lead you to infinite understanding because with that I think that is the magic key that unlocks for you all of life you